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Hello and Welcome Mu Friends!
RANCE MU REBORN Season 6 Episode 3
🚹 BASE EXP: x40 [Normal] | 🚺 x10 [ML]
🚹 Drop Rate: 25%
🔐 Client Limit: Max 3 Client
🏷 CashShop Enabled [WCoins | Goblin Coins]
💤 Hard Rate Jewel Drops
📗 Item Max Level: +15
📘 Item Max Option: +16
📙 Item Max Excellent Option:
   ♻️ 1 [Map Drop | Regular Box]
   ♻️ 1 to 2 [Kundun Boxes]
   ♻️ 2 [High Level Boss]
   ♻️ 3 [Lord Mix & Chaos Cards]
📕 Item Max Socket Option:
   🌀 1 to 3 [LaCleon Drops]
   🌀 2 to 3 [Dark Monsters & Medusa]
   🌀 3 [Selupan Boss]
⏰ Regular Events:
   ☑️ Chaos Castle
   ☑️ Blood Castle
   ☑️ Devil Square
   ☑️ Illusion Temple [Soon]
   ☑️ Double Goer [Soon]
   ☑️ Imperial Guardian [Soon]
⏰ Regular Boss Events:
   ☑️ Crywolf [Soon]
   ☑️ Castle Deep [Soon]
   ☑️ Kanturu
   ☑️ Raklion
   ☑️ Kalima
⏰ Regular Invasion Events:
   ☑️ Skeleton King
   ☑️ Red Dragon
   ☑️ White Wizard
   ☑️ Golden Monsters
   ☑️ Medusa Boss
Premium Louis Emulator Update 36
Premium Anti-Hack Protection
OVH Singapore Game Hosting
#muonline #season6 #rance

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Server Info

VersionSeason 6
Master Experience10x
Total Accounts343
Total Characters543
Total Guilds6
Online Users72

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Castle Preparation

Castle Siege Battle
4 hours 31 minutes

Castle Information


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